Discover your why

One of my favourite quotes is  “ there are two great days in a person’s life - the day we are born... and the day we discover why.  

Last week I was interviewed as Coach of the Month by Paul Donkers founder of the Ikigai® Coaching Institute and to keep the video brief, one question was not discussed in detail and that was the concept of discovering our ‘why’. I believe there is an increasing eagerness for people to clarify their purpose when everything around us is changing. More people are reaching out for support to help them on their journey. The greatest surprise has been to find that, with a great sense of kindness and compassion,  people are seeking support for those close to them who they see struggling, particularly those questioning their career choices now that some of those careers no longer exist... or that are on indefinite pause. To see my answers to the other questions, here a link to the short video