
Gratitude... the game changer.

As we reach the end of an extraordinary year, I want I to express my absolute gratitude to those who trusted me to help them on their journey... seriously talented and skilled individuals who just needed someone to ‘metaphorically hold a mirror up’ to reflect how amazing they really are. I have posted before how using both Extended DISC profiling in combination with the #ikigaicoachinginstitute process to find their purpose, we have clarified who they are and where they belong. I am so happy for them all as the difference in their confidence level is significant and as a result, they are truly magnets for what they are seeking... in come cases an abundance of roles being offered to them. So you may have heard of the concept of an ‘attitude of gratitude’ and how it can change your energy levels, well I can absolutely say from my own perspective on the side-lines cheering them on, as all coaches do, that they deserve all the success they have achieved.
A challenging year... with some bright spots for which I am truly grateful. Have a great New Year’s Eve wherever you are and my wish to you is for a happier, healthier, kinder and better year ahead. #gratitude #professionaldevelopment #careercoaching #motivation