Time for a break

I feel the need... the need to please! Yes I am using the famous line from that movie to highlight a concerning by-product of the pandemic. People are so grateful to have secured a new job, some after almost a year of applying, that they overcommit themselves in fear of losing that job and end up overworking in order to please... and prove themselves. This not only creates an unrealistic expectation of the workload assigned to the role, it also leads to an overwhelming feeling of helplessness, stress, lack of sleep, eating at the desk and generally exhausting themselves. Then everything suffers... quality of work, relationships, personal fitness and wellbeing, particularly for those working from home where colleagues don’t stop in for a quick chat or coffee break. While there are many practical solutions including time management courses, prioritisation techniques, the most important is to take a break, 5-10 minutes every hour or so to breathe, look out the window, walk or stretch or have a nutritious snack. I encourage my clients to use one of the apps that not only remind you to take a regular break but guide you through the process. The benefits are real...clarity of thought, physical and mental refresh, all of which can reduce the feeling of overwhelm. #careercoaching